Thursday, August 19, 2010

Update - Thursday's S&P 500 Daily Chart:

The post I put out Monday (see below) after the closing bell has been verified by today's weak economic reports. The economy is not recovering as well a we had hoped it would, and my Bearish stance is confirmed even more by today's data:
"U.S. stocks tumbled to their lowest close in nearly a month on Thursday as the latest batch of data amplified concerns the economy is stuck in neutral.

The selloff was broad, with five stocks falling for every one rising on the New York Stock Exchange. Sectors most sensitive to growth were hit hardest.

A report showing factory activity in the mid-Atlantic states contracted in August for the first time since July 2009 blind-sided investors, who had been expecting activity to increase. Earlier, the Labor Department said first-time claims for jobless benefits rose to a nine-month high."

Here is the post I made on Monday on my other blog after the closing bell...There are a few other charts of interest in that post:

Don't forget that tomorrow is Options Expiration Friday...Unusual activity is the norm...