First, let's take a look at last week's Daily Chart...Tuesday was the first price that set a new high on a closing basis...The big move up on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday was the market's reaction to the mid-term election on Tuesday, and hearing from the Fed that it would go ahead with $600 Billion Dollars worth of Quantitative Easing - Part II...
What "usually" happens after a big breakout to the upside out of a long standing Level of Resistance (the dotted blue line) is that the Index will quite often pull back to the blue line to re-test it, and then it can "possibly" become a Level of Support...One reason I called for a pullback last weekend was the candlesticks closed way above the upper Bollinger Band last Friday, and the rule about BBands is that candles cannot survive outside of them for more than a few days at a time...It's like a fish jumping up above the surface of a lake...It can't breath up there, and must return to it's normal environment to catch it's breath before it can jump again...Or not...
This week's Daily Chart shows that it did pull all the way back to the dotted blue line on last week's chart (at 1195.) during Friday's session...Why?...For many reasons...Most of the Economic Reports on this very light week for reports were mixed, and so were Earnings with the exception of a really poor report out of Cisco (Nasdaq-CSCO) that sent that Index tumbling late in the week...The "excitement" over the mid-term elections wasn't long lived because of the Gridlock in Congress we'll be experiencing for the next two years...Next, there was a huge amount of negative press related to QE2 out all week...Also, there was the negative reaction to the astronomical cost of the President's trip to India (plus a couple of thousand of his friends/advisors/security forces) on his way to Seoul, South Korea for the G20 meeting...
Then came the actual G20 meeting that didn't go very well for the USA on a number of issues...First, the President failed to get the Trade Agreement with South Korea he was hoping to sign before returning home...Second, was the backlash over QE2 from much of the world...And third, the failure of many G20 nations to support the USA's position of getting the Chinese to change their monetary policy...Plus, the big news of Friday was the fear of Inflation in China...
I'm starting to get the feeling that the previous week's action may have been what I like to call "The PUMP Before THE DUMP!"...As evidenced by: Insider Selling Hits All Time Record Of $4.5 Billion In Prior Week...
The $SPX has bounced UP off of the 15 Moving Average/Middle Bollinger Band four times in the past since the current rally began in late August (green arrows)...
The BIG QUESTION at this point in time is: Will it do it again, or NOT?...I'm beginning to think it WON'T this time, but that all depends on the News, Earnings, and Economic Reports that come out next week...But there appears to me to be a Paradigm Shift in the air, with problems with China and the EU cropping up again...Plus, all of the problems we face here at home...Only time will tell...
The Weekly Chart looks BAD for the first time since late August when the rally began...Take a gander at that UGLY/Bearish looking candlestick it formed this week...Many of the major pullbacks we've seen in recent years begin with a candlestick that looks like this...For example, the candle that formed at the end of April, which was much more Bearish looking because it was a Fully Engulfing candle over the previous week...Now notice that the Parabolic SAR showed up as Negative the following week, which was the first week of May...IF we see a negative SAR at the end of next week on this weekly chart, that would be VERY Bearish...The Index still hasn't given either of my primary Sell Signals YET, and that happens when the candle CLOSES below the 5 Moving Average at the end of the week, and the CCI drops below the +100 line at around the same time...
Here's a breakdown of how each of the nine major Sectors performed this week...Industrial Goods (-3.5%) and Financials (-3.8%) took a huge hit:
Next week on the Economic Calendar is a BUSY one!...Retail Sales, the PPI, the CPI, Industrial Production, Housing Starts, and the Philly Fed Survey all have RED Stars, meaning these reports have the ability to MOVE the markets...Also of importance are the Treasury International Capital and the Housing Market Index on Tuesday, and Leading Indicators and Weekly Jobless Claims on Thursday...
(be sure to click on November 15th to get to next week's reports)
I don't usually comment on things of a "political" nature, unless they directly effect the market...But I'm going to make an exception here, and spout of some off my observations of recent events...It's called blowing off some STEAM!...
During the recent mid-term election, America spoke out quite CLEARLY that we are tired of our government "as is"..."Change you can believe in"???...I've seen LOTS of changes in the past two years, and have YET to see ANYTHING I can believe in...Quite to the contrary in fact...
The main concerns of the American people as expressed at the exit polls was JOBS, THE DECIFIT, and THE ECONOMY...Plus, massive government waste, government interference being forced down our throats (Obummer Care)...And what happens the very next day after the election is over?...Helicopter Ben takes off again to start throwing ANOTHER $600 BILLION DOLLARS out of the window, on a misguided mission to save our failing economy...
Then, the President takes a few thousand of his closest friends, advisors, and the huge assortment of security personnel and equipment necessary to insure everyone's safety on a week long trip to India (and a few other countries) on the way to the G20 meeting in South Korea...AT WHAT DAILY COST TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE???...All kinds of news reports give various numbers, the highest of which is $200 MILLION per DAY!...It probably wasn't really that much per day, but none the less, I'm sure it was very high...
So...The American people SPEAK that they are tired of massive government waste and spending, AND THE VERY NEXT DAY the Fed slaps them across the face with another huge bill future generations are stuck paying, and the President sticks his middle finger up at the American people with an extremely costly trip halfway around the world...I'm SURE he could have planned this trip MUCH more economically...But what else can you expect from the man who had THE MOST expensive inauguration in the entire History of the USA?...
This government is completely OUT OF CONTROL, and this will certainly show up in the Market in due course...I've been calling for a MAJOR pullback to happen for a while now...It's not of matter of "IF"...It's a matter of "WHEN"!!!...Our FIAT economy is built out of a house of cards, that is SURE to come crashing down...Sooner, rather than later...In my humble opinion...
Got SILVER?...Got GOLD?...Solar and/or Wind Power?...Your own water well with a manual backup pump?...At least a years worth of beans and bullets?...
Happy Trading! next week...
To read the articles I found most interesting this week, go to my Twitter page: