I won't be posting my usual fundamental and technical analysis of the S&P 500's daily and weekly charts this weekend for a couple of reasons...The first is, we have family visiting from far away, and creating and posting my charts takes many hours...And secondly, what's the point?...
If you've been following my blog lately, I've been harping on how corrupt the market has become lately, and how much more difficult it is to predict near terms movements because of this...The mainstream media/propaganda machine and bogus government economic reports were in full force again this week...So it's no surprise that the market went UP!...Here is just one example of a bogus economic report put out by the gubbermint this week...The weekly jobless claims numbers were "estimated" because numerous states didn't report their numbers to the BLM because of the Labor Day holiday!...So what did the gubbermint do?...They LIED/FUDGED the numbers as usual:
Nine States Did Not File Initial Claims Data Due To Labor Day, Hundreds Of Thousands Of Estimates In Data "Beat"
So you can see that the powers that be are doing all they can to make the market rally again, even though there is no real reason for it to do so...IMO
And this article backs up everything I've been saying for months now...It took me a number of hours to read the entire story yesterday...And by that, I mean also reading every story included in it, because there are numerous links in this article that verify the paragraph written above it...These are the kinds of TRUTHS you will NOT hear from the mainstream media/gubbermint propaganda machine!...
In my humble opinion, this has to be one of the top ten articles I've read so far this YEAR!...And I highly encourage you to take the time and read the whole article, and also follow every link below every paragraph so you can verify that what the author has written is the TRUTH...
Please! SHARE this to all you Friends on numerous Social Media sites, using the "Bookmark" button below...
And also...Take a few moments out of your day to remember the thousands of lives lost in the attack on the World Trade Center that happened nine years ago today...September 11, 2001