Friday, June 4, 2010

Chaos of the Bilderbergers?:

The Daily Bell - Friday, June 04, 2010 – by Staff Reporter

The Bilderberg group will convene in Sitges, Spain, a resort community 30 km from Barcelona, on June 4-7. ... Intending to prolong the global economic downturn for at least another year, the Bilderberg group hopes to take advantage of the situation to set up a "global ministry of finance" as a part of the UN. ... The debt crisis in Greece that currently puts in jeopardy the entire European financial system provides a pretext for drastic measures, and both the crisis and the measures are vivid illustrations of the strategy that employs chaos to reorder the existing arrangements. The deliberately generated chaos is tightly controlled by financial institutions, major banks, and hedge funds and serves as an efficient mechanism of governance and social restructuring. – Global Research

Dominant Social Theme: All is being decided, so calm down.

Free-Market Analysis: The Bilderberg group is meeting in Spain and unlike other years there has been relatively speaking a good deal of coverage of the meeting. We have already speculated that the reason has to do with the alternative 'Net press's relentless scrutiny. Thus, for the first time, the power elite has responded by placing some articles in the mainstream press as well.

The article, excerpted above, is certainly not "mainstream" but it is written by Olga Chetverikova and has a certain academic flair. The brief author bio at the end of the article describes Chetverikova as having a "Ph.D. in History," and explains she is "Assistant Professor at Moscow State Institute of Intentional Relations of the Foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation." Here's some more from the article:

EU mitigation measures are paving the way for the supranational institutions ... On May 21, the EU finance ministers adopted at a meeting chaired by European Central Bank president Jean-Claude Trichet and European Council President H. Van Rompuy the German plan of much greater budgetary coordination including penalties for states that break the EU budgetary rules. The sanctions will include suspending the voting rights of repeat offenders, withholding the funding for infrastructural development, etc. It was also proposed to subject national budgets to EU screening prior to their being debated in national legislatures. A report will be prepared by June 17 – notably, the date of the EU summit – outlining a common Eurozone policy. Other, yet more ambitious projects like full control over Eurozone national budgets by a triumvirate comprising the European Commission, the European central bank, and the Euro Group are also discussed.

The downsides of the rescue packages are the worst part of the problem. Invoking the threat of financial collapse, the EU countries serially introduced extremely unpopular austerity regimes with salary and pension freezes for state employees, welfare cuts, increased retirement ages, etc. Greece was the first but not the only country affected. The German government plans to cut spending by Euro 10b annually in 2011-2016. France abolished the annual pension for low-income families. Under the IMF pressure, Spain is launching a comprehensive reform including pension indexing freeze, pay reductions and employment cuts in the state sector, the abolition of payments to support families with recently born children, etc. Great Britain, Italy, and others are following the lead.

The consequences of the measures are hard to gauge considering that Europe is already facing serious poverty and unemployment problems (the unemployment has reached 10% of the economically active population and continues to grow, and at least 80 mln people are currently below the poverty line). Most likely, the shadow world government – the Bilderberg group – will administer to the public the dose of social problems carefully calculated to enable the elites "to offload troubled assets", retain control over the situation, and divert protests from the actual sources of problems that trigger them.

We've been grappling ourselves with these suppositions. Hamlet-like we have considered and reconsidered whether the EU crisis was in a sense planned or if it was an inevitable evolution. These things are never clear cut from the outside; perhaps it doesn't matter in terms of our analysis. We are aware that the EU elite did eventually expect the EU to travel to this parlous point. However, we maintain, as we have in the past, that the current downturn and the scrutiny of the internet itself has made it a good deal harder for the elite – the real elite (not merely the political one) – to implement further centralizing measures without a good deal of pushback.

From out point of view the anger is intense and will build over time along with "austerity" measures. Interestingly, Chetverikova seems to agree with us somewhat. She writes, above: "The consequences of the measures are hard to gauge considering that Europe is already facing serious poverty and unemployment problems (the unemployment has reached 10% of the economically active population and continues to grow, and at least 80 mln people are currently below the poverty line)."

This is a crux point. Ordinarily, the economic downturn would be attributed to the failure of capitalism and the usual leftist/populist claptrap would be rolled out. But this time the power elite is making its bid for expanded world governance when awareness of the REAL mechanisms of control is at an all time high. We have not been able to understand the haste with which the elite has acted of late.

The best reasoning we can come up with is that the elite realizes what is obvious – that its control is slipping generally as insight into its manipulations rises. It's still strange. Ramming through centralizing measures at a time of such heightened sensitivity is only going to aggravate the situation in our opinion.

When one looks back on the 20th century these days, one is astonished to find – if one is an active reader of alternative Internet sites – that the history of the 20th century is increasingly to be seen as one of falsehoods and disguises. It was, after all, money power that perhaps created the Soviet Union, generated two world wars and a slew of minor ones and generally inflicted upon the globe waves of socialism, environmentalism and fiat-money disasters.

Because we have been reading Dr. John Coleman lately, we would tend to place a good deal of these events directly at the feet of the Rothschilds who evidently and obviously dominated the 20th century and much of the 19th as well. Even the Bilderberger meeting, itself, strikes us as a conference, to a degree for high-level functionaries. These may be asked for advice but are probably being told what is in store for them in the upcoming 12 months.

Certainly, the elite is an admixture of the specific families and individuals plus a few institutional (religious) power centers. But the Rothschild's money-power has likely grown precipitously to unbelievable of amounts as a result of the fiat-money mechanism. The result is that the real decisions are taken by a tiny handful with their own agenda and motives.

Being human, even the elite can miscalculate. Did the power elite move too fast in the teeth of a great communication revolution? We tend to believe the current downturns in the West are stronger and more intractable than was anticipated – and that the elite will have a harder time controlling them. We think various elite dominant social themes are misfiring and that keeping them running smoothly may be difficult.

Conclusion: Historian Chetverikova writes, "Most likely, the shadow world government – the Bilderberg group – will administer to the public the dose of social problems carefully calculated to enable the elites ... retain control over the situation, and divert protests from the actual sources of problems that trigger them." We are not so sure. We will continue to scrutinize the memes of the elite to see how they are being received and whether any of them are eroding further. By their conversations ye shall know them.