Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Today is the End of the Second Quarter:

As you can see from this first chart, all major Sectors are DOWN year to date, but the 12 month chart under it still shows all major Sectors are UP...And the third chart down shows that it's been a ROUGH past three months...For the BULLS anyway...The BEARS have been LOVING IT during the 2nd Quarter...

It makes me wonder how the rest of the year will play out...Will the normal seasonality cycle be restored again?...What usually happens is: the market falls during the low volume days of summer, and finally reaches the lows of the year in late October or early November...Then, the Santa Claus Rally begins at about that time and lasts until tax selling time around the end of the year...

This recent downturn in the market hasn't bothered me one bit...As my banner at the top of this blog clearly states:

"I can show you how to make money if the market goes up OR down"...

If you've been following the videos I post here every weekend, my call of the top in April was right on the money, and I warned it was coming at least a month before it happened...Now stay tuned for my next major prediction of when the market is about to BOTTOM again...

By the way...The chart at the bottom of this post is a Year To Date chart of the $SPX, which closed at a new low for the year to close out the second quarter...

Happy Trading in the second half of this year, and Good Luck To ALL!, from the zigzagman