Monday, February 8, 2010

Examples Of Real Trades That I Have Done:

To show you the kind of money you can make Day Trading, here are a few examples of real trades I have done:

On May 28th 2009 I made $1750. in only ten minutes of trading on two scalping trades on FAS:

I put $92,100. to work and made almost $900.00 in just under six minutes on this trade:

I put $93,000. to work and made just over $850.00 in exactly four minutes on this trade:


I put $21,000. to work when I bought 2000 shares of TSO and made $280. in just three minutes!


Here is another example of a ten minute Day Trade that made $300.00


Here is another example of a seventeen minute Day Trade that made $300.00


Here is another example of an eight minute Day Trade that also made $280.00


As you can see, Day Trading is a very profitable way to trade the market in a very short period of time. I usually do two or three trades before lunchtime, and call it a day. A few hundred dollars a day is more than enough for my family to get by on comfortably. A full-time experienced Day Trader can easily gross $100,000. per year or more.

But don't think you can do this without proper training, because you can lose as much money on each trade shown above in a very short amount of time. Like anything worthwhile in life, you must get educated and pay your dues before you become truly successful.

I can show you how to make this kind of money in a much shorter amount of time than it took me to learn how to do it. You get my fifteen years of experience to show you the best way to Day Trade, without having to make the same mistakes I made when I first began trading.

Happy Trading,


1 comment:

  1. Wow! zigzagman,

    That is very impressive trading. I got laid off from my job a few months ago, and I need to do something to bring money in to support my family. I'm going to send you an email today to discuss your lessons, and to request and appointment for the voice chat tutoring lessons. Maybe this is just what I've been looking for, as I have three young children and would like to be able to work at home and spend more time with them.

    Jim H.
