Monday, February 15, 2010

Welcome! to

Here is a ten minute video that briefly explains everything you can learn by taking my Day Trading Lessons.

Some of the subjects I mention in this video are about Swing Trading, but they also apply to Day Trading somewhat. Day Trading is all about entering a trade in reaction to either good or bad news of some kind that has the ability to move a particular stock or the overall market either up or down. These kind of trades can last from fifteen minutes to a few hours. As a general rule, day traders never hold a position overnight, but there are rare exceptions to this rule.

If this news is about a particular company, I trade the stock in that company either Long or Short if the news is good or bad. If the news is about the overall economy, I will trade SSO if the news is good, and SDS if the news is bad. SSO is the 2X Bull ETF that is benchmarked to the intraday chart of the S&P 500. For every tick up of the S&P 500 chart, SSO moves up two ticks. SDS is the inverse, or Bear 2X ETF benchmarked to the S&p 500's intraday chart. For every tick down of the S&p 500's chart, SDS ticks up two ticks.

Swing Trading requires that you keep up with a lot more things that can affect the movement of the share price of a company's stock. SSO and SDS are not good ETF's to Swing Trade, and should only be used for Day Trading. I specialize in Day Trading, but I also have another account for Swing Trading good companies, and I sometimes hold a position in a stock for a few weeks or even a few months. And in that account I also hold a few stocks that pay a good dividend, and those I have owned for years.

Happy Trading,

(this video is viewed best in full-screen mode using the 480p setting)

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